Collaborations: Flos
An industrial dining room with pure and straight lines full of harmony between the wall tiles, table, piano and the consoles making a super clean environment, with minimalist touch of pendant lamps.
An interesting organic vibe living dining with industrial accessories, light wooden dining table, television and lovely pendant lamp.
Other example of dining room with industrial touch by the pendant lamps in a raw industrial form and filament light bulbs, tubular made chairs and a table made of steel.
Luxury bathroom ideas for 2016
RADETZKY STUHL – Michele de Lucchi
La sedia Radetzky di Michele De Lucchi ha una struttura in faggio massello con elementi in legno curvato che integrano il disegno delle gambe posteriori allo schienale. Un profilo fortemente caratterizzato dall’alternanza di linee arrotondate e rette che con estrema sintesi formale si ritrovano anche nell’ampia seduta in multistrato.
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